Once you have generated a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and received your SSL certificate from your certificate issuer, you need to follow these step-by-step instructions to install an SSL certificate on Plesk Onyx. Steps for installing SSL certificate in Plesk Onyx are as follows:
1. Download and copy your certificate files to your server
Download your SSL certificate and support files by clicking on the download link in your fulfillment email or from your far.id client portal account. Unzip the files and copy them into the directory where you will keep your certificates. Some files in the zip may or may not be used depending on your server type.

2. Login in to the Plesk Onyx Control Panel using your ID and password.
3. Go to the Websites & Domains tab and select the domain you want to secure

4. Further instructions will be the same for both views. You will see the title of your SSL for which CSR code was generated, click on it to proceed. The faded C (certificate) and A (CA certificate) icons indicate that SSL certificate file and CA bundle have not uploaded yet.

5. On the next page you will see the option to upload SSL certificate file (.crt) and CA certificate (.ca-bundle) which can be downloaded in your far.id client portal account.

6. Also, it is possible to upload SSL certificate and CA certificate in text format. Make sure that there are no extra spaces in CA certificate code:

7. Once done, you will see the successful message and certificate (C) and certificate authority (A) icons will become brighter.

8. Next step is to assign SSL certificate to the hosting services.

9. Find your SSL certificate in drop-down list and click “OK”

10. Successful SSL installation will be indicated with this message.